Shock Auger

Helicopter-portable, low-impact drill rig designed for overburden exploration with minimal environmental damage.

Shock Auger - helicopter-portable drill rig
Shock Auger is a new drill system built for maximum effectiveness with minimal environmental impact. It’s a one-of-a-kind platform for ethical critical mineral and battery metal exploration that is easily transportable, with unparalleled flexibility,maneuverability, and the ability to drill through extremely challenging soils like glacial till and permafrost.

Search for battery metals without damaging the landscape.

Helicopter-portable drill rig.

Explore any location, no matter how remote. Get deep soil, basal till and top of bedrock samples beneath overburden.

Part of a partnership with an agile group of specialists and scientists.

Developed in partnership with Quantum Machine Works and Palmer Environmental Consulting Group.

Already in use by some of the biggest players in the exploration business. 

Hundreds of geochemical exploration boreholes already been drilled across Canada.

Shock Auger isn't our only innovative tool for use in extreme climates.
FrostLink - permafrost monitoring system
Frost Sprink - Frost Detection Systems
Frost Sprink
EmBar - Wildfire Detection System